Miss Laura is delighted to announce that our End of Year Concert date is now confirmed….SUNDAY 8TH DECEMBER! For further details about our End of Year Concert head to the FAQ section.
Miss Laura is delighted to announce that our End of Year Concert date is now confirmed….SUNDAY 8TH DECEMBER! For further details about our End of Year Concert head to the FAQ section.
Not long to go – our End of Year Concert tickets go on sale from 9am on Monday 12th November. https://www.trybooking.com/WLOL It is allocated seating – so you will be required to select your seats at the time of ticket…
Tickets to our fabulous End of Year Concert are now on sale! To secure your booking go to http://www.trybooking.com/IJKH
Tickets to our end of year concert can now be purchased using the following link: http://www.trybooking.com/FVEO